The name Matchsticks embodies the sense of hope that we aspire to be for the mental health community. We hope to ignite the passion to serve the mental health community in others, in order to spark a difference as we move toward being a more inclusive society.

Established in 2014, Matchsticks of IMH has grown into a group of 150 strong youths and working adults. We devote our time weekly in serving the needs of our special friends at the long stay wards in the Institute of Mental Health (IMH).




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Curious to learn more about mental health services in the local tertiary setting?

Matchsticks of IMH is a safe, accepting and friendly place to start!

The name Matchsticks embodies the sense of hope that we aspire to be for the mental health community. We hope to ignite the passion to serve the mental health community in others, in order to spark a difference as we move toward being a more inclusive society.

Established in 2014, Matchsticks of IMH has grown into a group of 150 strong youths and working adults. We devote our time weekly in serving the needs of our special friends at the long stay wards in the Institute of Mental Health (IMH).

1. What we do:

– Regular ward visits on Saturday mornings
– Engage our special friends through various activities
– Provide a platform for more to learn about how to deal with mental health issues and care for the people who might be battling mental health issues
– Create opportunities for like-minded people to come together in serving a common cause
Events (e.g. Monthly Birthday celebrations, SG51 celebrations etc.)

2. Our goals and objectives:

– To promote mental health awareness
– To provide youths and young adults who have the heart to serve the mental health community with the opportunity to learn and interact with our special friends
– To collaborate with community partners in bringing about change in the mental health scene

If you have the heart to serve and create change in the mental health community. Do Join us in our journey in bringing joy to our special friends at IMH!


Taken from Matchsticks of IMH (


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