As much as we love to run our site, it wouldn’t be possible without you, our users. In order to run our site, we might have to collect some information from you that might include, but not limited to:

  1. First Name
  2. Last Name
  3. Email Address

We will only use your data on our website, Mental Health Repository ( You might want to create an account to stay connected with us, donate to us, or join our team. In order to perform those actions, you will need to submit the above information.

We use, and all its analytical tools to allow us to tailor our content to our users (including you!) In order to do this, we take clicks from all our users (Singapore or not) and analyse that data to do our job. We will never sell your data or redistribute your information, whether any identification is false and tagged to you or not, to anyone outside of our team.

If you submit something to us that we think requires local enforcement agencies’ attention, we will advise them of the situation and transfer the case to them. This includes, but is not limited to, threatening or harassing our team and/or our readers, or when we have reason to believe that you will cause grievous harm to yourself or anyone.

Should it be required of us, by local enforcement agencies our court order, we will disclose your information as required, and we will inform you when practicable.

Click here to download the complete and official Privacy Policy constructed based on Singapore’s Personal Data Protect Act (PDPA) 2012.