Spoon Theory and How I Use it in Therapy

Spoon Theory and How I Use it in Therapy

Spoon theory was coined by Christine Miserandino in her blog ButYouDontLookSick.com and is mostly used in reference to chronic illnesses like fibromyalgia and autoimmune diseases. However, I’ve found it to be very useful in conceptualising how we all have different levels of energy each day, whether or not we have a chronic illness. As a therapist, I often bring up spoon theory to my clients who feel like they should be doing more each day or who tend to compare themselves to their peers.

[PDF] Mood Log Entry

[PDF] Mood Log Entry

This PDF is a template for a mood log or journal entry. You can rate your mood on a scale, write about what happened, elaborate on how you feel (you may pick from six emotions or write your own), and what you did.

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What is “Self-Love”?

You show yourself love by treating yourself the way you would treat a loved one. This means taking care of yourself and talking to yourself with love, compassion, and understanding.

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