The new front page of notion4mh

I have been devoting my resources to Notion for Mental Health recently, hence the lack of activity on this site. The workspace, now accessible through (the old link has been removed), was completely made new to incorporate new features. Here are some of the new and/or improved features.

Relational Databases (Exercises)

Relational databases allow all content. Relational databases are then made so that you can view tables where there is a specific attribute. For example, there is a database called All Exercises. There is a shortcut on the home page titled Sort by Category where you will see this:

What I did previously was to create a new database for each category, but I realised that many exercises fell under more than one category. This way, each exercise will only have one page of its own, and you can easily keep track of what you have already done and your favourites.

Medication Database and Medication Classes

The database, accessible through the front page, is an incomplete list of commonly prescribed psychiatric medication. Opening the database will show you the name and class of medication. You will also be able to mark which medications you were or currently on, together with its dosage and side effects that you have experienced.

If you click on the class, you will be directed to another page that contains information about the medication class. It will look like this:

If you want an overview of different classes, go to Medication Classes from the front page and you will see a table listing each class’s full name, acronym, the different drugs that fall under the category and ther brand names, common side effects, and purpose.

The Medication Database and Medication Classes are relational databases.

Mental Illnesses Page

On this page, you will see a sad and incomplete table. The table will show examples or variants of different disorders (e.g. psychotic disorders include schizophrenia, delusional disorder, schizoaffective). Clicking on the name of the disorder will lead to page with more information, including a description, common symptoms, and treatment options. I have not decided on whether I should include diagnostic criteria from DSM because it might encourage self-diagnosing, which I do not condone.


There now exists a changelog which I have not been updating. I keep telling myself to record changes but I keep forgetting.

Read Me!

On the front page, there is the Introduction (Read Me!) page. This gives people some basic information about the project and credits for the icons that were used throughout.

And that’s all I have to share for today! Thank you once again for the people who have reached out and those who have given me feedback and requests. No promises that I will be able to fulfil those requests (my knowledge of the Notion system isn’t the best), but I will try.

Help Wanted!

This is just an idea I have which may or may not materialise as something functional. I may even change platforms or rework everything. For now, however, this is what I have, and I would like to encourage everyone to help out with this project. You don’t have to be of any particular nationality and you don’t have to be a mental health professional. You don’t need to be proficient with Notion (because I sure as hell am not). I just need your ideas and feedback.

Drop me a message on Telegram (@claireleong) or an email at (:



  1. Hello from the USA! I have been using this Notion template for quit sometime and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! Thank you so much for your wonderful work!!

  2. Hello, I am Zoe, from America as well, and I just found your Notion template and plan to use them. I am only beginning to start them, and they look amazing. Thank you so much for the effort and detail you put into them. Good luck and stay healthy.

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